10 Popular Easter Flowers and Their Meanings
Cindy VenerioEaster celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, and many build upon the symbolism of the resurrection to celebrate the renewal of the earth in spring. Few things symbolize spring like flowers. Here are ten popular Easter flowers:
Easter Lilies
Traditionally white, Easter lilies have long, slender petals that resemble a star when opened. Mentioned in the Bible, they symbolize purity, rebirth, and hope, and their nickname is "white-robed apostles of hope." Legend has it that lilies were found growing in the Garden of Gethsemane after Jesus' crucifixion.
These bright yellow blooms are a cheerful sign of spring, often among the first flowers to grow each springtime. With a cone-shaped body and a blossom resembling the sun, daffodils are sometimes called "narcissus." They symbolize cheerfulness, respect, and unrequited love and are usually presented in bunches to wish lots of cheerfulness.
Native to Central Asia, tulips come in many colors, and their symmetrical blossoms bloom for only 3-7 days each spring. They are often gifted at Easter because they symbolize perfect and unconditional love, which is significant to Christians as they recall Jesus' unconditional love.
Growing in clusters of colorful starfish-shaped petals, hyacinths come in several colors, with purple shades most popular for Easter. They symbolize sport, playfulness, and joy, which begin to increase with the fair weather of spring. They are also believed to have health benefits, including soothing sore throats and snake bites, and are traditionally given to someone from whom you are requesting forgiveness.
These bright yellow flowers are heliotropic, meaning they always open towards the sun. Surrounding a frilly yellow center, their tiny circular blossoms are popular during the Easter season. Despite their beauty, buttercups are poisonous if eaten by people or animals and symbolize joy, purity, happiness, and friendship.
Often associated with glamour, orchids have luxurious petals and grow in many colors, symbolizing love, beauty, and refinement. With over 25,000 species, orchids have the tiniest seeds of any flower, making them challenging to grow. Some types grow only a few hours, while others bloom up to six months.
Among the most popular types of flowers, roses grow in many colors and have over 300 species. They symbolize love, beauty, and courage, and the petals are edible, adding flavor to jams. Rounded fruits called rose hips can be made into tea, and they are high in vitamin C. There is a tradition that says if you give someone a rose with no thorns, you fell in love with them at first sight.
Arranged in clusters of small, circular blossoms, hydrangeas are another popular Easter bloom. Their clusters resemble pom poms and come in purple, pink, or blue. The colorful parts of these flowers are not called petals; they are sepals, colored leaves that protect the flower buds. Hydrangeas symbolize gratitude, grace, and charm and are sometimes referred to as Hortensia.
Daisies and their friendly white petals and yellow centers are signs of spring, symbolizing purity, innocence, and friendship. In Victorian times, people would give a daisy to someone when they told a secret. The flower gets its name from the words "day's eye" because the yellow centers look like a yellow eye. The petals of the daisy are edible, and they can be made into tea, while their petals can be added
Easter Cactus
This flowering cactus gets its name because its bright star-shaped red blossoms often sprout around Easter time, in the Northern Hemisphere. They grow in the Brazilian rain forest. They are believed to symbolize warmth (because of their red flowers) protection, security and unconditional love. They are often kept as house plants, and are easy to care for, but should not be placed directly in the sun.